b'/RWV\x03RI\x03XV\x03DOVR\x03DUH\x03IDPLOLDU\x03ZLWK\x036W\x11\x033DXO\x033DULVK\x03LQ\x03+LJKODQG\x0f\x03ZKHUH\x03ZHYH\x03GRQH\x03D\x03KDQGIXO\x03RI\x03SURMHFWV\x03RYHU\x03 the years.Last year, we completed the construction of a new hall that connects the existing sanctuary, rectory and parish center. It adds new spaces and expands capacity for church VHUYLFHV\x03DQG\x03JDWKHULQJV\x11A new front entrance, a new choir room and a new detached garage also were included in the scope of work.KORTE|YEAR IN REVIEWThe relationship between ourcampus team and key players ofThe Korte Company was a matchmade in heaven! \x03)DWKHU\x033DW\x03-DNHO3B\x19\x14'