As you know, we have been busy as of late and are more than happy to see a few new faces here in the office – as well as some familiar ones.
Clockwise from upper left: Chuck Lentz, Jacob Eilers, Jon Downer, Mike Gagnon
We are pleased to welcome back Chuck Lentz, who started in Project Management, Highland office. Chuck has a Bachelor of Science degree in Construction Management from Kansas State University and has relocated to Highland from Roanoke, VA. Shortly, he will be moving to Whidbey Island to be the Onsite Project Manager for the three Whidbey projects currently getting underway.
Jacob Eilers started in mid-September as an intern in the Preconstruction Department at the Highland office. Jacob is from Breese, IL and is currently attending SIU-E.
Jon Downer has returned as a Project Manager in the Las Vegas office.
Mike Gagnon also started mid-September as a Preconstruction intern and will work from the St. Louis office. Mike is in the Construction Management program at SIU-E.